Because a child’s nutritional needs vary at each stage of development, it’s normal and understandable for mothers to change their baby’s formula. However, mothers should also keep the following 7 things in mind.
Changing Formula to Suit Your Baby’s Age
Nutritionists recommend that babies under 6 months old should only use formula 1 and absolutely should not use formulas 2 and 3. The reason is: at this time, the baby’s digestive system is still immature and very weak, so using higher formula can cause the baby to have slow digestion, digestive disorders, stunted growth, poor absorption, etc.
For babies over 6 months or 1 year old, it is necessary to choose the type of milk corresponding to the baby’s age so that the baby is provided with more protein, fat, and calcium. Therefore, when a mother buys or asks someone to buy formula for her baby, she needs to clearly understand and accurately grasp the baby’s age to choose the appropriate type of milk.
Don’t change your baby’s formula suddenly
Changing Formula Gradually
There needs to be a gradual transition from the old formula to the new formula. Do not change the formula suddenly, as the baby will not be able to adapt in time. Give your baby the new formula interspersed with the old formula feedings. For example, if your baby drinks 3 formula feedings a day:
- First 2-3 days: Give your baby 2 feedings of old formula + 1 feeding of new formula
- Next 3-4 days: Give your baby 1 feeding of old formula + 2 feedings of new formula
- After that, you can completely switch your baby to the new formula
Changing Formula Brands Isn’t Necessarily Good for Your Baby
When you hear that a certain brand of formula is better than the one you are currently using for your baby, don’t immediately decide to change your baby’s formula. You need to carefully research whether that formula is really better for your baby. Just because another child gains weight and is chubby on Brand X formula doesn’t mean your baby will be the same. Because each baby has a different ability to absorb nutrients. The most important thing when giving your baby formula is that they are healthy, they are not allergic to the formula, they do not have constipation, indigestion, diarrhea, or vomiting, etc.
Don’t change your baby’s formula frequently
If Your Baby Shows Signs of Allergy, Stop Giving Them the Formula
Due to each baby’s individual body and digestive system, not all mothers are successful the first time they change their baby’s formula. Therefore, when changing formulas, you need to monitor changes in your baby’s body after each feeding. If your baby shows signs of a milk allergy (vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation, red rash, etc.), stop giving your baby the new formula and consult a nutritionist.
Choose a Formula Flavor Your Baby Likes
When choosing formula for their baby, many mothers only pay attention to the nutritional ingredients and forget to choose the flavor for their baby. The taste of the formula is also very important to the baby because it will make them enjoy drinking milk and drink more milk. There are many flavors of formula such as orange, strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, apple… Choose the flavor your baby likes best!
If there are signs that your baby is allergic to the formula, stop giving it to them
Don’t Change Your Baby’s Formula Frequently
Each type of baby formula creates a different intestinal microflora, so when a mother suddenly changes the formula or changes the formula frequently for her baby, it will affect the microflora, causing the baby to have digestive disorders, poor milk absorption, leading to slow growth. It takes a baby a long time to get used to and adapt to a new formula, so when switching to a higher formula, it’s best to stick with the same brand.
When Should You Consult a Nutritionist?
If you have changed 2 or 3 types of formula and have monitored each type for at least 2 weeks and your baby still hasn’t adapted, you should take your baby to see a nutritionist for advice on why your baby hasn’t adapted and to find the best nutritional solutions suitable for your baby’s development.
Mothers can refer to some formula brands with a taste and nutritional composition most similar to breast milk, suitable for the taste of most babies, minimizing the risk of milk allergies such as: Nan Russia, Aptamil, Vinamilk, Meiji Japan domestic, Icreo, Morinaga, Physiolac, etc.