Investing time, money, and the best care for infants in their early years is extremely important. This is the foundation for the baby’s comprehensive development, both physically and intellectually, in the future. In this article, DailySavingz will provide mothers with the most detailed and helpful guide for raising newborns.
Are parents raising their newborns correctly?
Newborns from 0-1 month old
During this period, babies need to feed multiple times a day, both day and night. Mothers should feed their babies every 3 hours, for only 10-15 minutes each time, to establish a regular feeding schedule. This way, mothers will also know when to feed their babies and can arrange their time accordingly.
Mothers should not hold their babies too much, as this will make them clingy, making it difficult for others to care for them later on, and the baby may become shy and hesitant to interact with others. More importantly, the child will become dependent on the mother and have difficulty becoming independent at the age of 2-3. Habits formed early on like this will make the child fussy, clingy, and whiny.
Also during this time, mothers should let their babies sleep in a crib. Avoid rocking or swaying them to sleep in a hammock, cradle, or bassinet, as this can have a serious impact on the baby’s brain.
Newborns 1-2 months old
During this period, babies still stay awake at night and sleep more during the day, so they will need to sleep an extra 1-2 times in the morning. Mothers should let their babies sleep more and not wake them up, as this will make them irritable and fussy.
Also during this time, babies feed 5-6 times a day, 100-120ml each time. However, if breastfeeding, mothers should estimate the feeding time appropriately.
Newborns from 1 to 2 months old can follow moving objects with their eyes. To help your baby become more alert and intelligent, you can practice having them look at objects of different shapes and then move them for the baby to follow.
And to help the baby develop their nervous system and complete their sensory organs, after bathing the baby, mothers should massage the baby’s back, abdomen, legs, and arms with oil.
Newborns 2-3 months old
At this point, the baby’s skull has hardened, and mothers can use a low pillow instead of a muslin cloth to support their head as before.
According to research, 2-3 month old newborns should practice swimming to develop their immunity, increase lung capacity, help them become healthier, and not lose their innate swimming instinct.
Although the vision of 2-3 month old babies is quite well-developed, adults should absolutely not let their babies look at phone screens or TV screens for more than 3 minutes because the radiation will weaken their eyes.
Newborns 4-5 months old
Some babies teethe early during this stage, so discomfort, fever, and diarrhea are normal, and mothers don’t need to worry too much.
Adults should talk to their babies more because during this stage, babies are very “nosy” and can babble and utter simple words like “grandma,” “dad.”
Newborns 5-6 months old
At this stage, breast milk is still the most important for the baby’s development, and babies still prefer to breastfeed more. Formula should only be used in special cases such as insufficient breast milk or if the mother is taking medication.
Mothers can consider Blackmores formula No. 1 for babies from 0-6 months old. The formula is produced based on the properties of breast milk, providing many important vitamins and minerals for babies in the first months of life. The nutrients in the milk help babies develop comprehensively, both physically and mentally.
During this stage, mothers can start introducing solids to develop jaw and tongue skills, helping the baby learn to speak earlier.
Newborns 6-7 months old
At this point, babies start to show stubbornness, clinginess to their mother or grandmother, and are easily irritated. Adults should not indulge all of the child’s desires but should teach the child to control themselves, what they should and shouldn’t do.
Divide the baby’s solid food meals into smaller portions and feed them moderate amounts. Mothers can prepare homemade baby food or buy specialized baby food. Start by feeding the baby 1-2 spoonfuls a day and observe their reaction, then gradually increase the amount of food.
Before going to bed, parents should read picture books to their baby and let them get used to fun and exciting sounds.
Newborns 7-8 months old
At this time, most babies have mastered eating solids, and parents can start teaching them how to use a spoon, sit in a high chair to create good habits for the future.
Do not allow the child to drink cold water or soft drinks indiscriminately because the baby’s digestive system is still immature and prone to diarrhea and digestive disorders.
Children begin to imitate the habits and actions of adults, so we can take this opportunity to teach them many grasping and creative skills to help them develop their thinking and physical abilities in the best way.
Newborns 8-9 months old
After 2-3 months of practicing eating solids, babies can master chewing skills. At this time, mothers can feed them soft rice, steamed buns, and fruits to change the flavor and make them more interested in eating.
Newborns 9-10 months old
Do not give children sweets or candies because their tooth enamel is still very weak at this time and it will be harmful to their teeth and digestive system.
The baby’s solid food meals should be 1-2 hours apart from the main meals. Do not give children snacks before the main meals to form healthy eating habits. Let the baby sit and eat with the family to create excitement for them during mealtimes.
Newborns 11-12 months old
Parents should regularly read books with their children, teach them to gradually recognize numbers and letters. When the baby is learning to walk and stumbles, parents should let them get up on their own, not lift them up and blame objects or other people. This will help the baby become independent and stronger.
Letting the baby practice walking barefoot will help them walk steadily, learn to walk faster, and develop tactile sensations in the soles of their feet. However, we need to pay attention to the floor and yard where the baby walks, checking for sharp objects, and regularly cleaning the floor surface.
This is also an important time for parents and grandparents to teach the baby more words, although the baby still can’t speak clearly or in complete sentences.
Above is a very detailed guide for raising newborns from 0-12 months old compiled by DailySavingz to help first-time mothers better raise their children. We wish you success with this guide!