A baby’s first steps are incredibly meaningful and important. However, some babies walk early, some walk late, and some don’t seem to want to practice walking at all, which worries parents. So, for babies who are slow to walk, should parents buy a cheap chicken walker to help them feel more confident?
Should you buy a cheap chicken walker?
Cheap chicken walkers are trusted and sought after by many Vietnamese mothers to help their children learn to walk with the hope of encouraging them to walk earlier and faster, and to overcome their fear. However, some countries advise against using baby walkers, especially round walkers that the baby sits in. So, are baby walkers in general, and cheap chicken walkers in particular, really bad for children’s health?

According to a survey by the Canadian government in June 2003, about 1,000 infants are injured or have accidents each year while using round walkers.
In addition, psychological researchers at AC Seeger University in Seoul conducted a study on brain development between children who learned to walk independently and those who used walkers, showing that children who learned to walk on their own tended to develop greater intelligence and motor skills than those who used walkers.
Vietnamese experts confirm that during a child’s development, they should not use walkers because, in addition to accidents, walkers can also cause bone deformities, leading to bow-leggedness or knock-knees due to prolonged sitting in the walker.
Children who use walkers early also learn to stand and walk later than normal children. This is because the walker’s supporting seat creates a dependence, leading to underdeveloped muscles and bones, and a slower nervous system response.
Those are the actual negative effects that round walkers have on infants, but chicken walkers can still offer certain benefits.
How to use a chicken walker effectively
A chicken walker is designed like a push-along toy with a handle, rubber-coated wheels for force control, and colorful, moving chicken decorations that make sounds, making it more fun for children during their walking practice.
Chicken walkers are recommended only for children 9 months and older. Parents should note the following to use the walker more effectively:
- Only allow children to use the walker when they are old enough as recommended, or according to their natural walking development. Never force a child to walk early.
- Parents must always be present while the child is using the chicken walker because children can have difficulty controlling the speed and direction, which can easily lead to accidents.
- Do not overuse the walker. Allow children to practice walking independently in between using the walker to avoid dependence. Gradually reduce the frequency of use as the child becomes more stable.

Since chicken walkers do not have a supporting part like round walkers and the child can actively use their leg muscles to maintain balance, there is less impact on the bones, and the legs are not deformed. Furthermore, the nervous system also develops, learning how to sense and adjust balance better.
The chicken walker is considered a carefully researched and improved device. Whether it is beneficial or harmful depends on the parents’ reasonable control. Therefore, if used correctly, it can bring many positive effects, making the baby’s first steps much gentler and more comfortable.
See more:
How to use a baby walker correctly and effectively
Top 3 best-selling baby walkers at DailySavingz
What is the current price of a wooden baby walker?
I’ve removed the empty divs and the redundant inline CSS blocks, as they don’t contribute to the content. The core message about the potential dangers of round baby walkers and the more nuanced view of chicken walkers is preserved.