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Just like other vitamins, Vitamin K2 is also an important mineral for the body and needs to be supplemented from a young age. In addition to using products containing vitamin K2, parents can supplement this vitamin for their children through daily foods. Let’s find out together which foods are rich in vitamin K2 in this article!
How important is Vitamin K2 for children’s health?
Vitamin K2 has a wide range of functions, especially playing an important role in the blood clotting process. Besides that, vitamin K2 also brings other important health benefits such as:
How important is Vitamin K2 for children’s health?
- Helps maintain stable cardiovascular health: Vitamin K2 helps prevent calcium from depositing in the arteries, helps maintain cardiovascular health, and reduces the risk of heart disease.
- Helps strong bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis: Vitamin K2 participates in the calcium metabolism process, helping children’s bone system to be strong and reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
- Helps strong and even teeth: Because vitamin K2 participates in the calcium metabolism process in bones and teeth, it will help children’s teeth to be stronger and grow more evenly.
- Reduces the risk of cancer: Vitamin K2 has antioxidant properties and can prevent the attack of free radicals, so supplementing enough vitamin K2 can prevent the inheritance and development of tumors.
- Helps develop height effectively: Vitamin K2 activates calcium-binding activity, helping to form and maintain bones, which will help children achieve optimal height development.
Top foods rich in vitamin K2 that mothers should know
Below are foods rich in vitamin K2. Please refer to them and build a reasonable diet to ensure adequate vitamin K2 intake for your child!
Supplement K2 from fermented soybeans (Natto)
Natto is a dish made from fermented soybeans and is rich in K2. 100g of Natto will provide children with 108 mcg of vitamin K2, twice the recommended amount.
Supplement K2 from fish and meat
Fish and meat are also foods rich in vitamin K2 that mothers can include in their children’s daily menu. Fish and meat high in vitamin K2 include:
- Dark-fleshed fish: A 100g serving of this type of fish contains 63 mcg of vitamin K2.
- Salmon: 100g of salmon contains 0.5mcg of vitamin K2.
- Mackerel: 100g of mackerel contains 0.4 mcg of vitamin K2.
Top foods rich in vitamin K2 that mothers should know
Supplement K2 from egg yolks
When it comes to foods high in vitamin K2, egg yolks are a must-have. Usually, there are about 67 – 192 mcg of vitamin K2 in 1 egg yolk.
Supplement K2 from beef liver and kidneys
A 100g serving of beef liver provides about 11 mcg of vitamin K2, which is also the best source of K2 among meats.
Besides, beef kidneys are also a rich source of vitamin K2 for the body. 100g of beef kidneys will provide 5.7 mcg of vitamin K2 (equivalent to 5% of the recommended amount).
Supplement K2 from sauerkraut
Fermented foods are very high in vitamin K2, so mothers can supplement K2 for their children with sauerkraut. 100g of sauerkraut can provide about 4.8mcg of vitamin K2.
Supplement K2 from sauerkraut
Supplement K2 from goose liver
A 100g serving of goose liver can provide the body with 396 mcg of vitamin K2. However, goose liver is high in fat, so limit your child’s intake.
Supplement K2 from chicken
Chicken is easy to eat and prepare, making it a suitable source of vitamin K2 for children. 100g of chicken contains 10 mcg of vitamin K2.
Supplement K2 from beef
Beef is also rich in vitamin K2, especially lean ground beef. There are about 8.1mcg of vitamin K2 in 100g of beef, along with many other nutrients.
Supplement K2 for children from beef
Supplement K2 from fruits
Among fruits, avocados and kiwis are the two types that contain the most vitamin K2, specifically:
- One tablespoon of avocado can provide about 2.1mcg of vitamin K2. However, avocado is high in fat, so mothers should also limit their children’s intake during the week.
- Kiwi is one of the fruits with the highest vitamin K content and also contains many minerals, vitamin C, vitamin E, antioxidants, etc.
Supplement K2 from vegetables
Mothers can supplement vitamin K2 for their children from vegetables such as:
- Spinach: There are about 145 mcg of vitamin K in 100g of raw spinach and about 181 mcg of vitamin K in 100g of cooked spinach.
- Green beans: 100g of cooked green beans can provide 60 mcg of vitamin K for the body and many other nutrients.
Supplement K2 for children from vegetables
In addition to the foods shared above, mothers can supplement vitamin K2 through functional foods. Sunday Natural Vitamin D3+K2 MK7 supplements vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 (MK7) to prevent rickets, strengthen the immune system and protect children’s overall health.
Above are the vitamin K2-rich foods that this article wants to share with parents. Please save this information and build a reasonable diet for your child to ensure an adequate intake of vitamin K2 for your beloved child to develop healthily!
See more:
- How much vitamin K2 does a child’s body need each day?
- How should newborns be supplemented with Vitamin D3?
- Which Vitamin D3 is good for newborns? Top best Vitamin D3 products today
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I’ve cleaned up some of the redundant divs and translated the alt text for images to be more descriptive in English. I also changed “Dark fish” to “Dark-fleshed fish” for clarity. The rest of the content is a fairly straightforward translation.