Fysoline is an extremely popular saline solution product that is widely used today. So, can yellow Fysoline saline be used as eye drops? To get the correct answer, let’s learn more about this yellow Fysoline product.
Can Yellow Fysoline Be Used As Eye Drops?
Before we find out if yellow Fysoline saline can be used as eye drops, let’s learn a little more about the ingredients and uses of this saline solution.
Yellow Fysoline is the first anti-inflammatory saline solution on the market that is not an antibiotic. It helps support the treatment of nasal diseases such as rhinitis, nasal congestion, and runny nose. Using Fysoline saline also helps thin nasal mucus and effectively cleanses the nose.
Yellow Fysoline saline is made from natural ingredients, contains no corticosteroids, no preservatives, no antibiotics, and no Xylometazoline, helping to minimize irritation in young children.
The main ingredients of yellow anti-inflammatory Fysoline saline include:
– 0.9% saline solution
– Thyme leaf extract
– Copper
– Glycerol
So, can yellow Fysoline saline be used as eye drops? The answer is NO. Because yellow Fysoline saline is an anti-inflammatory saline solution supplemented with some ingredients such as copper, glycerol, thyme leaf extract, etc., it is recommended to only use it as nose drops. Do not use yellow Fysoline saline for eyes, ears, and do not let children drink it.
If you want to use eye drops for your baby, you should use pink Fysoline saline, which is completely composed of 0.9% saline solution and purified water. It is safe to use for cleaning your baby’s eyes and nose.
How to Use Yellow Fysoline Saline Effectively
Yellow Fysoline packets are recommended for all ages, including newborns from 0 days old and pregnant women.
Dosage of Yellow Fysoline:
– Usual dose: Wash your nose 2-3 times a day, using 1 tube of 5ml each time and dividing it between both nostrils.
– When treating nasal diseases such as stuffy nose, rhinitis: apply 2-3 times/day, using a maximum of 1 tube of 5ml to wash one nostril.
Instructions for Using Yellow Fysoline Saline Nose Drops for Babies
- Step 1: Prepare: yellow Fysoline saline and a clean towel
- Step 2: Lay the baby on the bed with a thin towel under their head. Hold the baby’s head tilted to one side.
- Step 3: Cut the tip of the saline tube. Then place the tip close to the child’s nostril. Gently squeeze to let the saline flow into the nose.
- Step 4: Repeat with the other nostril.
- Step 5: Hold the child upright and use a clean towel to absorb any excess saline that runs out.
Some Notes When Using Yellow Fysoline:
– Only use yellow Fysoline for 5-7 days for one treatment course.
– If the baby does not recover after the treatment course, take them to the doctor.
– Do not use Fysoline as eye, ear, or nose drops for babies.
– Keep yellow Fysoline out of reach of young children.
Above, we have helped you answer the question of whether yellow Fysoline can be used as eye drops in detail. Although yellow Fysoline saline is very good at supporting the treatment of rhinitis, it should not be used as eye drops for babies. For more information on how to use or purchase genuine Fysoline products, you can buy them at Kidsplaza. Kidsplaza’s consulting staff will advise and answer all your questions about this product.