For those who are improving their health with supplements, Ensure milk is not a strange name. However, there are some people who are not suitable to drink Ensure milk. If you still don’t know who should not drink Ensure milk, please follow the article below to get the most accurate answer.
Who should not drink Ensure milk?
Ensure milk is known as a milk line that supplements a high nutritional content. But for some people in the following cases, they should not drink Ensure milk.

People with stomach ulcers
People with peptic ulcers are greatly affected in terms of health, as well as being limited in the list of foods they can consume, and Ensure milk is one of them. Drinking Ensure milk will stimulate the stomach to secrete quite a lot of gastric juice, thereby directly affecting the stomach lining and making the condition worse.

People with bloating, indigestion or diarrhea
Although illnesses such as bloating, indigestion or even diarrhea do not stem from drinking milk, drinking Ensure milk will still prolong the bad condition. Even for those with digestive problems, milk is always a food that is not prioritized, and of course, Ensure milk is the same.
People with anemia
For people whose bodies are iron deficient, have difficulty absorbing iron, and have difficulty producing blood. The active ingredient ferrous iron will combine with calcium salts as well as phosphate salts present in Ensure milk, forming precipitated compounds that will affect the ability to absorb iron to produce blood. Therefore, drinking Ensure milk is not at all beneficial for the health recovery you are aiming for.

People with lactase deficiency
People can only absorb lactose to convert it into energy if lactase is present in the body. Therefore, for people who are naturally deficient in lactase, the energy conversion process will not take place as desired, so if you drink Ensure milk, it means you will have extremely uncomfortable abdominal pain and diarrhea.
People with kidney stones
Kidney stones are a mass of calcium salts integrated in the body through the process of filtering and excreting water. But Ensure milk contains a very high calcium content and when it passes through the kidneys, it will directly increase the accumulation of calcium significantly. Therefore, drinking Ensure milk will cause the kidney stone condition to worsen and seriously affect your health.

People with cholecystitis or pancreatitis
Digesting the fat in Ensure milk requires the gallbladder and pancreas to work at a high intensity. Therefore, people with cholecystitis or pancreatitis need to avoid milk because the high fat content in milk will put more pressure on the gallbladder and pancreas, so drinking Ensure milk is not at all beneficial for your health.
People with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Gastroesophageal reflux disease is caused by the instability of gastric juice in the stomach, so not only Ensure milk, but any type of milk will increase gastric juice and stimulate the esophageal sphincter, leading to reflux.

People working in environments with high lead content
The lactose content in Ensure milk is quite high, but it increases the absorption and accumulation of lead in the body. This is extremely dangerous for people who have to work in mining and factory environments, or who are frequently exposed to lead. It will increase the body’s absorption, causing you to be lead poisoned and prone to dizziness, insomnia, or prolonged fatigue.
People with colitis
Colitis is a disease related to problems such as bloating, abdominal pain, flatulence, nausea, and diarrhea. But Ensure milk is one of the drinks that makes these problems worse, and you should definitely not drink Ensure milk until you have recovered from colitis.
People who have just had abdominal surgery
People who have just had abdominal surgery will constantly experience bloating and discomfort in the abdominal area. The fat in Ensure milk is one of the main causes of indigestion, gas, and bloating. Therefore, drinking Ensure milk at this time will negatively affect the ability of the intestines to recover their function after surgery.
People with diabetes
Because most types of Ensure milk powder today contain a fairly high amount of sugar. Therefore, drinking Ensure milk will cause blood sugar levels to increase higher than stable levels.
People with obesity
Regarding the effects of drinking Ensure milk, it supplements a lot of nutrients for the body and at the same time enhances the ability to absorb nutrients. Therefore, drinking Ensure milk while suffering from obesity will make it very difficult to control weight at a stable level, and even lead to more difficulty in controlling health problems.

Children under 10 years old
Can children drink Ensure liquid milk, Ensure powdered milk? Experts assess that Ensure milk contains many complex active ingredients and is not suitable for children under 10 years old. This is the age when children’s digestive systems are not fully developed and cannot absorb all the nutrients in milk.
People with milk allergies
Milk allergies can cause symptoms such as itching, burning pain, or fever, and hives on the body. For those who have a history of being allergic to milk ingredients, it is best not to use Ensure milk to ensure your health.
The above has listed in detail all the cases of who should not drink Ensure milk. So that everyone can supplement nutrients and improve their health in the safest way. For more information about this Ensure milk line, parents can contact Kidsplaza for advice and purchase.