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The EASY Sleep Method is an effective parenting method adopted by many mothers. So what is the EASY method and how to train your baby using this method? Follow this article for the answer.
Overview of the Easy Sleep Method for Newborns
EASY is an acronym for Eat, Activity, Sleep, Your time. This is a series of activities for infants and young children. Simply put, the Easy method helps mothers raise their children in a repetitive and cyclical pattern.
The Easy sleep method is a way to train children to sleep well, sleep regularly, on time, and be able to sleep independently.
Benefits of sleep training for children using the Easy method:
– Helps children develop a regular sleep and activity routine.
– Children sleep at the right time: getting enough sleep during the day, and sleeping soundly at night.
– Helps children sleep independently.
So when should you start Easy training for your baby? – Mothers should start using the Easy method for newborns from 1 month old. This is the ideal time to help your baby establish a suitable schedule. As children get older, they become more accustomed to old routines, making it harder to train them with the Easy method.
In addition, to provide the best nutrition for the development of infants and young children, parents should immediately refer to the TOP baby formula milk below:
How to Train Your Baby with the Easy Method, Adapted for Each Age
For each different age stage of young children, the Easy sleep method needs to be applied in accordance with the psychological and physiological characteristics of the child at that age. Below, we will explore how to train babies with the Easy method at different ages:
How to Train a 1-Month-Old Baby with the Easy Method
For newborns, sleep is extremely important for their development. 1-month-old babies can sleep up to 14-17 hours/day. At this stage, Easy training only lays the groundwork for independent sleep later on, so the baby still needs to be near the mother. Mothers also don’t need to be too rigid in practicing the Easy method.
– First, just let your baby get acquainted with this method. Do not create a habit of holding and rocking your baby to sleep. Encourage your baby to sleep independently, but the mother should still stay close.
– After the baby has finished feeding, allow time for the baby to rest, burp, and have a diaper change before putting them to sleep.
– Swaddling or using a sleep sack is recommended to provide warmth and a feeling of being held as if the mother is nearby.
– Adjust the room temperature appropriately and play white noise to help the baby sleep.
How to Train a 2-Month-Old Baby with the Easy Method
For babies who have been trained with the Easy method since they were 1 month old, transitioning to 2 months old will be very easy. Because at this point, the baby has become accustomed to the old eating and sleeping routines. For babies who are 2 months old and just starting with this method, the mother needs to be patient so that the baby can get into the routine.
– Items needed for mothers to train 2-month-old babies with the Easy method include: a crib, a swaddle or sleep sack, a room thermometer, and a white noise machine.
– Newborns in their 5th week often experience wonder weeks, where they wake up more at night, so mothers need to be patient in teaching their babies to distinguish between day and night through light and sound.
– The ideal room temperature is 22-24 degrees Celsius.
– When the baby cries, put them on their stomach and gently pat their bottom until they fall back asleep.
How to Train a 3-Month-Old Baby with the Easy Method
If you’ve missed the golden period when your baby was 1 or 2 months old, and are only applying the Easy sleep method in the 3rd month, don’t worry too much. 3-month-old babies usually still have a sleep schedule similar to 1 and 2-month-olds. Here’s how to train a 3-month-old baby with the Easy method:
– Help your baby distinguish between night and day by turning off the lights, minimizing noise, and limiting activity. If the baby is afraid of the dark, you can use a night light with soft light that is good for their eyes.
– Put the baby in bed while they are still awake to create a habit of sleeping without needing you.
– Play white noise to create a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere for the baby.
– Gently massage the baby before bedtime.
– If the baby cries, wait a few minutes before soothing them if they cry loudly.
How to Train a 4-Month-Old Baby with the Easy Method
For 4-month-old babies, their schedule changes quite a bit. Therefore, when training them with the Easy method, the quality of their sleep depends heavily on sleep and wake times, as well as the quality of their meals.
At 4 months old, it can also be very difficult for babies to sleep independently because they are used to previous sleep patterns. They may cry a lot and it can take a long time to train them.
– The first thing mothers need is a relaxed attitude and patience with their babies, avoiding excessive stress.
– Have the baby follow a fixed eating and sleeping schedule.
– Ensure the baby’s room has a suitable temperature, not too hot or too cold.
– Turn on white noise and put the baby in their crib. Then talk softly and soothingly to the baby before leaving the room.
– If the baby cries, wait about 3 minutes before going in to soothe and reassure them. Avoid talking or interacting too much with the baby.
How to Train a 5-Month-Old Baby with the Easy Method
Similar to 4-month-old babies, it will be more difficult to apply the Easy method at 5 months old. But mothers can still succeed with this method if they are truly patient and find the right training approach, as it may require more time to help the baby sleep independently.
So, in the above article, DailySavingz has provided more information about the Easy sleep method and how to train babies with it according to their age. Mothers can refer to this information and consider applying it appropriately for their babies.
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