According to folk beliefs, postpartum mothers often have to abstain from many things, including drinking and bathing in cold water. So why should you avoid cold water after giving birth? The following postpartum tips will help you recover quickly!
Why should you avoid cold water after giving birth?
After giving birth, a mother’s body has gone through a painful and stressful process. Therefore, to ensure health and quick postpartum recovery, mothers need to follow some regulations on nutrition and lifestyle, including abstaining from drinking cold water.
Drinking cold water can cause uterine contractions and pain, and it also reduces blood circulation in the genital area, affecting the postpartum recovery process. In addition, drinking cold water can also reduce digestion, causing discomfort and affecting health. Instead of drinking cold water, mothers should drink warm or lukewarm water to ensure safety.
Learn about why you should avoid cold water after giving birth.
Besides, bathing in cold water can constrict blood vessels and dilate veins, especially in the pelvic area. This can lead to reduced blood circulation and an increased risk of infection.
Therefore, experts recommend that postpartum women avoid bathing in cold water for the first 30 days after giving birth. Instead, women should bathe with warm water and use special hygiene products to maintain hygiene in the genital area.
Wondering how long to avoid cold water after giving birth?
Postpartum tips for a quick recovery
After giving birth, the mother’s body needs time to recover. Here are some tips that mothers cannot ignore:
- Get enough rest: Mothers need adequate rest to allow their bodies to recover and regenerate.
- A nutritious diet: Mothers need to eat a sufficient amount of all food groups to support the recovery process and breastfeeding. Mothers should eat foods rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, and avoid foods high in sugar and fat.
- Gentle exercise: After giving birth, mothers can do gentle exercises to help their bodies recover and strengthen. However, mothers should avoid strenuous movements and should not exercise too soon after giving birth.
- Genital hygiene: Mothers need to clean their genital area regularly and use hygiene products with a suitable pH to ensure safety and avoid infections.
- Support for breastfeeding: Breastfeed frequently and ensure that the baby gets enough milk. This helps mothers avoid breast engorgement, which can cause tension and pain.
Refer to tips to help mothers recover quickly after giving birth.
Through this, mothers have gained more knowledge to answer the question of why should you avoid cold water after giving birth? Therefore, mothers should follow a scientific abstinence regimen to avoid health problems. Replenish yourself with adequate nutrition for a speedy recovery!
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