Not all babies are ready to start savory solids. Remember that the food provided in the first few months will help your baby get acquainted with new flavors. Starting solids is essential for a baby’s optimal development in the early years.
When choosing any product for your baby, quality is always the top priority. The same applies to buying baby food; quality is more important than ever. Therefore, we have researched and identified 4 of the most popular savory baby cereals for mothers to consider.
The Most Popular Savory Baby Cereals
Babies typically start eating savory cereals around 7 months old. By this time, they’ve become accustomed to sweet cereals, making the introduction of savory flavors more enjoyable and preventing boredom.
Not every mother has the knowledge to choose quality, standard, and safe products for their baby. Therefore, we suggest the following 4 savory baby cereals:
1. Ridielac Gold Savory Cereal (4 Flavors)
Ridielac Gold Savory Cereal (4 Flavors)
Ridielac baby cereal is a Vietnamese brand trusted by most mothers today. The product is carefully researched based on the varied diets of babies, so the ingredients and flavors are quite close to Vietnamese children’s palates.
RiDielac Gold Savory Cereal is especially easy to digest and is researched by experts from VINAMILK’s Nutrition and Product Development Research Center. It fully meets the nutritional needs of children from 6 to 24 months old, helping to supplement nutrients and support children’s physical growth during the weaning period.
* Provides nutrients to help babies grow quickly and healthily.
Lysine, B vitamins, and Zinc in the cereal help babies have a better appetite. In addition, the product contains up to 21 vitamins and minerals, including Iron, Calcium, vitamins D3, C, A, E, etc., helping children develop stronger.
* Supports baby’s brain development.
Folic acid, Iodine, Iron, Taurine, Linoleic acid, along with DHA combined with Lutein form an essential nutrient system for the development of the baby’s brain, enhancing eye function, and increasing the child’s ability to perceive, remember, and learn.
2. Heinz Savory Baby Cereal
Heinz Savory Baby Cereal
Like other baby cereals, Heinz offers both sweet and savory flavors. Heinz baby cereal is particularly diverse in flavors, helping babies enjoy eating more and avoiding feelings of fullness or nausea. Heinz savory cereal does not contain natural fruit, which is how it differs from Heinz sweet cereal.
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Heinz savory baby cereal supplements nutrients such as calcium, iron, vitamin D, etc., helping babies grow taller and have strong teeth. In addition, the cereal formula also contains other added vitamins and minerals to help children develop comprehensively.
3. HiPP Organic Savory Baby Cereal
HiPP German baby cereal, and all HiPP brand products in general, undergo 1300 different contaminant tests and more than 260 stringent inspection steps, including taste and sensory tests, adhering to HiPP quality standards. The ingredients do not contain any harmful chemicals that could harm the health and development of the baby in the future. The products ensure the best quality and safety for consumers.
With nutritional ingredients containing starch, fiber, and essential minerals and vitamins, HiPP Organic savory cereal helps babies enjoy their meals and develop healthily and comprehensively.
HiPP savory baby cereal products come in different flavors such as infant rice, cereal, and mixed cereal.
4. Oshito Savory Baby Cereal
Oshito Savory Baby Cereal
Oshito baby cereal is extracted from Bird’s Nest – with 1 billion probiotics good for the immature digestive system and resistance of young children. It contains about 18 types of amino acids, calcium, and protein from bird’s nest, with enough of the 4 important groups of nutrients: protein, starch, fat, and fiber.
Oshito baby cereal is rich in FOS, which balances the intestinal microflora, effectively preventing and reducing constipation. The product is rich in omega-3, minerals, and vitamins E, B1, B2, A, D… good for eyes and brain.
Oshito fish baby cereal is divided into convenient, sterile, and moisture-proof sets, making it very convenient to carry along for outings, travel, or kindergarten.
A variety of flavors such as salmon, beef, pork, rice milk barley, vegetables, etc., in the baby cereal helps babies enjoy a continuous change of flavors and avoid boredom.
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When the baby is 7-8 months old, their digestive system is stronger, and mothers can start introducing them to savory cereals. This not only provides nutrition but also helps children get acquainted with new food flavors like meat and fish. The nutritious and iron-rich savory baby cereal flavors currently available from Nestlé Cerelac are: Chicken Carrot, Green Vegetables and Pumpkin, Fish and Green Vegetables.
These are 4 quality, affordable, and best-selling savory baby cereals available today. Hopefully, through this article, mothers can choose the necessary savory cereal for their babies. To learn more about different savory flavors from the above brands, mothers can visit the website: or call the Hotline directly: 1800 6608 for advice on the most palatable baby cereals.
**Related News:**
* How to mix baby cereal properly, without lumps
* Guide to savory baby cereal menu
* How long should babies eat sweet cereal before switching to savory?
* 5 Best and Safe Sweet Cereals for Baby-Led Weaning