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Constipation is a concern for infants in the first months of life when their digestive system is still immature. Therefore, choosing the right formula milk is what many parents are interested in when they need to supplement their baby with formula. In this article, we will review in detail the 5 best formula milk for constipated babies on the market today.
How does constipation affect a baby’s health?
Constipation in infants is a condition of infrequent, difficult bowel movements. Infants using formula should have a bowel movement at least once a day. When breastfeeding, a baby can have bowel movements 2-3 times a day. However, when the baby’s stool is hard, sticky, and difficult to pass, this is a sign of constipation that the mother needs to address quickly.
Constipation not only affects the baby’s psychology but also their health. Constipation indicates digestive problems; the process of converting food into nutrients is slowed down. This makes the baby lose their appetite, eat poorly, and lose weight.
Causes of constipation in infants
Insufficient water intake
For babies from 1 to 6 months old, breast milk is not only a source of food but also a source of water. Babies who do not receive enough milk each day may become constipated. Therefore, mothers should ensure that their babies drink enough milk throughout the day.
The mother’s diet
The mother’s diet directly affects the baby’s digestive system. When the mother eats a lot of spicy, hot, difficult-to-digest foods with low fiber content, low nutrients, and has an inadequate rest regime, the nutrients absorbed by the baby’s body are not balanced, leading to constipation.
When a fully breastfed baby is constipated, the mother should change her diet, adding more fruits, vegetables, and fiber-rich foods to improve the baby’s digestive function.
Formula feeding
When breast milk doesn’t provide enough milk for the baby each day, the baby needs to be supplemented with formula. However, some ingredients in formula milk may not be suitable for the baby’s immature digestive system. Mothers should carefully read the milk ingredients before choosing formula for their baby.
Constipation due to medical conditions
Besides the above causes, constipation can also be partly due to medical conditions originating from the baby’s body. Some medical conditions that cause early constipation in babies include hypothyroidism and Hirschsprung’s disease (enlarged colon).
What should mothers keep in mind when choosing formula milk for constipated babies?
Carefully read the formula milk ingredients
When choosing milk for babies with digestive problems, premature babies, babies born by cesarean section, or babies allergic to cow’s milk protein, it’s important for mothers to carefully check the nutritional composition of the milk before buying.
Mothers need to distinguish and choose the right type of milk that suits the baby’s specific characteristics. Mothers should carefully read the levels of ingredients such as fat, protein, vitamins, DHA, ARA, etc., when choosing milk for their baby.
Choose formula milk for constipated babies with formulas supplemented with plenty of fiber and probiotics that are good for the digestive system.
Find out what nutrients your baby needs to supplement
To limit constipation and diarrhea in babies, probiotics in milk play an important role in supporting the baby’s digestive system to function better.
Typical probiotics not to be missed are Bifidobacteria, Lactobacilli, Bacillus claussi, and Prebiotic fiber.
The increase in beneficial bacteria in the baby’s gut is formed through the process of vaginal birth and breastfeeding.
Probiotics in formula also play a role in synthesizing vitamins, supporting the development of the baby’s digestive system, helping the baby absorb nutrients better, and reducing allergy symptoms.
Check the product barcode
Checking the product barcode is also extremely important. The barcode helps mothers distinguish between genuine and counterfeit goods and identify the product’s origin. For imported milk cans, there must be an accompanying secondary label and instructions for use in Vietnamese from the importer and distributor.
Check the milk number appropriate for the baby’s age
The proportions of ingredients in formula milk will differ in formulas for different baby ages. Therefore, mothers also need to check the milk number suitable for their baby’s age to ensure the safety of their digestive system and overall health.
Top 5 good formula milk for constipated babies
1. Friso Anti-Constipation Formula Milk
Friso Gold applies a modern single heat treatment process, helping to preserve more than 90% of natural, soft, and small proteins, making it easier for babies to digest and reducing abdominal discomfort. Thanks to this, the baby always feels comfortable, eats well, and sleeps soundly.
Especially, with its natural light taste, Friso Gold is very easy to drink, helping the baby cooperate from the very first time and supporting healthy digestion, effectively preventing constipation.
Friso Gold milk has 4 stages:
- Friso Gold 1 for babies from 0-6 months old
- Friso Gold 2 for babies from 6-12 months old
- Friso Gold 3 for babies from 12-36 months old
- Friso Gold 4 for children from 3-6 years old
This product is imported in its original packaging from the Netherlands, ensuring that it meets strict quality standards.
Buy genuine Friso Gold milk at DailySavingz:
2. Aptamil New Zealand Formula Milk
Aptamil formula milk uses Danone’s exclusive Synbiotic formula. The milk formula is a perfect combination of Prebiotic fiber GOS:FOS (9:1) and Probiotic Bifidobacterium Breve M-16V.
The fiber and probiotics in Aptamil New Zealand milk are many times higher than in regular cow’s milk and have a similar ratio to breast milk, so many mothers feel secure choosing it.
Aptamil New Zealand has 3 stages for infants from 0 months and older.
– Aptamil New Zealand 1 for babies 0-12 months old.
– Aptamil New Zealand 2 for babies 12-24 months old
– Aptakid New Zealand 3 for babies over 24 months old.
Especially, Aptamil New Zealand milk is a cool, light, and fragrant milk, quite similar to breast milk, so babies will quickly adapt to it from the first time.
Buy genuine Aptamil milk at DailySavingz:
3. HiPP Organic Formula Milk
HiPP Organic formula milk is a famous brand known for its ability to support the baby’s digestive system to work effectively, helping the baby absorb nutrients more efficiently.
Hipp milk contains HMP probiotics, probiotics found in breast milk, combined with GOS fiber from organic cow’s milk, creating the Combiotic formula. Besides, the alpha-lactalbumin protein source in HiPP milk makes food easier to digest, gentle on the stomach, and easily converted into nutrients. The ingredients in the milk meet EU organic standards, suitable for the immature digestive system of babies.
The best-selling HIPP milk lines:
4. Physiolac milk imported from France
Physiolac milk contains up to 65% lactose, which is not too high compared to the amount in breast milk. Maltodextrin and glucose syrup are suitable for the weak digestive systems of young children.
Physiolac milk has 2 stages: Physiolac 1 for babies from 6 months to 1 year old, Physiolac 2 for babies from 1 to 3 years old.
5. Morinaga Formula Milk
Morinaga is a famous Japanese milk product trusted by many mothers for the development of their young children. The milk contains Lactoferrin, an antibody found in breast milk, which helps babies increase their resistance and immune system. Besides, the milk also contains a large amount of fiber, and the types of digestive sugars in the milk help babies digest well, limiting constipation. In addition, the DHA content in the milk also helps babies develop comprehensively in terms of brain function, making them learn and be more active.
Above are some tips on choosing the right milk for constipated babies. We’ve covered how to choose formula milk for constipated babies, considerations for choosing milk suitable for the baby’s health, and the top 5 best anti-constipation formula milk for babies in 2023. However, the formula milk we mentioned above may not be entirely suitable for all babies, so some babies may still experience constipation.
We hope the information we’ve shared will be the best guide for mothers to confidently care for their beloved babies!
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