What juice should pregnant women drink? This is a question that many pregnant women often ask during pregnancy. In today’s article, we will share with mothers the top 20 juices good for pregnant women in the summer. Let’s follow along!
Benefits of juice for pregnant women’s health
Before answering the question what juice should pregnant women drink? Let’s explore the benefits of juice for pregnant women’s health.
- Boosts immunity: Juice is rich in nutrients that help pregnant women increase antioxidants in the body, enhance the immune system, and effectively prevent diseases.
- Eliminates toxins: The vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, and enzymes in juice can kill bacteria, heal damage in the body, eliminate toxins, and effectively cleanse the blood.
- Supplements the necessary amount of vegetables: It is recommended that pregnant women consume at least 600g of fruits and vegetables per day. However, not everyone can eat enough raw fruits and vegetables. Processing vegetables also reduces their volume. Instead, mothers should juice fruits and vegetables so that the body can easily absorb nutrients and also avoid “overeating” or getting tired of eating the same vegetables.
- Diversifies the menu: Even vegetables that are difficult to eat, such as bitter melon, celery, fish mint, etc., mothers can completely combine with fruits such as pears, apples, oranges, etc., to have a more appealing drink and diversify the menu.
What juice should pregnant women drink?
During pregnancy, mothers should drink juices rich in vitamins and minerals such as strawberry juice, tomato juice, orange juice, cranberry juice, pear juice, etc.
However, mothers should also note that they should not drink juice from sweet fruits with high sugar content, which increases the risk of gestational diabetes, such as mango, banana, watermelon, etc.
In addition, mothers should also avoid fruits that increase the risk of uterine bleeding and miscarriage, such as papaya, pineapple, etc.
Top 20 good juices for pregnant women in the summer
Below is a list of juices for pregnant women and fetuses that mothers should consider adding to their daily diet.
Tomato Juice

Many pregnant women wonder if they can drink tomato juice during pregnancy. In fact, tomatoes are extremely good for both mother and baby. Because an average tomato contains up to 40% vitamin C, 20% vitamin A, and provides an additional 22 calories.
Besides, tomato juice also helps supplement iron and calcium, prevents gestational diabetes, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases and serious illnesses after giving birth.
Fruit juice for pregnant women – Carrot Juice
Carrots are rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta carotene (a precursor to vitamin A), which helps protect the fetus’s nerve cells and vision. In addition, carrot juice also helps purify the liver, supports healthy, bright skin, and reduces dangerous complications during pregnancy.
What juice should pregnant women drink? Orange Juice
Orange juice is a good juice for pregnant women that mothers should not ignore. Because oranges are rich in folate, which helps prevent birth defects. During the first trimester, mothers should drink orange juice to boost immunity and effectively fight colds and flu. At the same time, orange juice also helps reduce the risk of babies having allergies.
Lemon, a good fruit juice for pregnant women

What juice should pregnant women drink? During pregnancy, pregnant women can mix lemon juice to drink. Lemon is both an inexpensive fruit and a good source of vitamin C and antioxidants for both mother and baby.
Besides, lemon juice also helps mothers manage high blood pressure during pregnancy, control bowel movements, and overcome symptoms of indigestion, bloating, and pregnancy constipation.
Coconut Water
Coconut water is chosen by many pregnant women to drink during the last months of pregnancy. Because it helps provide amniotic fluid before birth and also helps the baby have pink and white skin when born.
Compared to other fruits, coconut water is considered a convenient, refreshing, and cooling drink for pregnant women.
Guava Juice
Guava juice helps pregnant women control blood pressure and blood sugar levels and boosts the immune system thanks to ascorbic acid and vitamin C. It is also beneficial in reducing anemia during pregnancy.
Grape Juice
Besides grapefruit juice, grape juice is often used by pregnant women to treat hair loss. In addition, grape juice also helps stabilize blood pressure, treat constipation, and prevent bad complications during pregnancy.
Beetroot Juice

Beetroot contains fiber, vitamins A, C, folic acid, etc., which help pregnant women improve intestinal health, reduce digestive problems, and prevent constipation.
Moreover, beetroot also contains a lot of iron to nourish the blood and increase hemoglobin in the body, helping mothers prevent anemia during and after birth.
Peach Juice
According to scientific research, a peach provides 12% of the potassium needed to help mothers reduce edema, cramps, stress, anxiety, and pregnancy hypertension complications. In addition, peaches also supplement folate to help protect the fetus from neural tube defects.
What juice should pregnant women drink? Grapefruit Juice
Grapefruit is a juice that contributes to preventing premature rupture of membranes. Besides, the abundant amount of vitamin C also helps mothers improve the absorption of iron, calcium, etc. Every day, mothers should enjoy a fresh grapefruit segment or a glass of grapefruit juice.
Pear Juice
Pears are a fruit with low calories and high nutritional value, good for pregnant women. At the same time, this fruit also supplements nutrients that help fight infections, eliminate toxins, and provide a small amount of folic acid needed for the fetus, etc.
Mothers should note that when making pear juice, they should clean the fruit thoroughly, wash it carefully, and peel it to remove all harmful fungi, bacteria, and diseases that affect pregnancy health.
Dragon Fruit Juice
Dragon fruit is a sweet and cool fruit that contains many nutrients beneficial to the health of pregnant women and fetuses. In addition, dragon fruit juice also supplements many B vitamins, promoting the health and growth and development of the fetus.

Kiwi Juice
With high folate content, fiber, potassium, vitamins C, E, carotene, antioxidants, and trace minerals, etc., kiwi is a fruit favored by pregnant women.
The two most suitable times to drink kiwi juice are 30 minutes before meals and in the morning before 10 o’clock. However, mothers should note that kiwi has a high vitamin C content, so mothers should only juice 2-3 fruits per day to avoid gastritis or genetic allergies.
Cabbage Juice
Cabbage is a low-calorie food but contains a full range of nutrients such as vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, K, E, folic acid, etc. These nutrients help mothers reduce constipation during pregnancy, vitamin K helps prevent blood clotting, and vitamin C enhances immune health.
Cabbage juice has a spicy taste. To make it easier to drink, mothers should combine it with fruits such as apples and carrots to reduce the taste.
Plum Juice
To prevent pregnancy anemia, mothers can supplement enough iron and vitamin C from plums. In addition, plum juice has a sweet and sour, refreshing taste that helps mothers reduce morning sickness and discomfort during the first months of pregnancy.
Sapodilla Juice
Sapodilla contains a lot of fiber, is rich in tannins and polyphenols, helps cleanse the stomach, eliminate toxins, reduce the risk of constipation, and stabilize the digestive system for pregnant women.
In addition, sapodilla juice also provides energy and effectively relieves stress. Every day, mothers should drink a glass of sapodilla juice to improve their health!
Cherry Juice
With its sweet and sour taste, cherry is a drink that almost every pregnant woman loves. Every day, mothers should drink 1-2 glasses of cherry juice. This will help pregnant women boost their immunity, stabilize their digestive system, prevent pre-eclampsia, benefit the fetus’s vision, and especially help mothers sleep better and more soundly.
Strawberry Juice

Strawberries are listed as a very good blood-toning fruit for pregnant women. In addition, this fruit also supplements vitamin C and folic acid, strengthens the mother’s immune system, and reduces the risk of birth defects.
Because the quality of strawberries on the market is difficult to control, mothers need to find them at reputable addresses or buy them directly from the garden to avoid chemical residues that can affect the fetus.
Pomegranate Juice
Like plums, pomegranates are rich in fiber, vitamin C, and iron – essential nutrients during pregnancy. Especially, using potassium-rich juice also helps mothers prevent edema and cramps, prevent pre-eclampsia and premature birth. However, mothers should note that they should not drink too much pomegranate juice because pomegranates are high in calories and can cause satiety and bloating.
Above is the article answering the question what juice should pregnant women drink? We also introduced mothers to 20 kinds of fruit and vegetable juices that are good for the health of mother and baby. Although these juices bring many good benefits, mothers should only use them in moderation and avoid overuse. In addition, when juicing fresh, mothers should choose organic standard fruits without chemical residues. If you can’t buy fruit, then mothers should drink organic juice.